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| How To Browse The internet For free Using Facebook Internet.Org |
How To Browse The internet For free Using Facebook Internet.Org | Free Downloads PH

In March 2015 Facebook included the Philippines to a list of countries to open a free data service that allowed to surf the web without paying for it, this is a part of global effort to open the internet to most of developing countries that haven’t yet access to it. It’s estimated there were at least additional 100 million to access the web since it begins.
To do this Facebook partnered with Globe and later Smart to introduce the app providing basic internet services 24 hours. The application  is only available for Google android mobile devices, as of this writing the app is not yet available to IOS device users.
Some of the services available in Philippines includes the following:
Here’s the stop to get the free internet browsing:
1. Download the app from Google store.
internet.org2. Open the application, you will be prompt to agree to their terms and agreement. Read it carefully and continue. philippines
That’s it, you’re now able to access the available free services.
Even if you don’t have a WIFI or mobile data, you could still download the application. Go directly to the using your browser, from there you can access all the available web services.
1. Open only the sites from the apps and not directly from your browser or you will charge on it.
2. Make sure to turn ON the “Mobile data”, don’t worry you will not get charge if you use browse any of the site from the app.
3. To be able to connect with the services fast, media like audio, graphics and text were made minimal. So don’t expect you can see lot of images on it.
So what do you think of this free internet services?
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